Beyond Blue Lips

Beyond Blue Lips

Beyond Blue Lips is a targeted program designed to provide grant assistance to pulmonary hypertension patients who face challenges in meeting financial needs as a result of PH care. Qualified patients may be eligible to receive assistance in an amount up to $1,000 in direct assistance on an annual basis. This amount may be offset by receipt of grant funds from any additional source(s). Funds may not be used for payment of medical expenses. Eligibility is based upon the completion of the below questionnaire, required verification by the Blue Lips Foundation, the granting of use of likeness rights to Blue Lips, and availability of grant funds. The Blue Lips Foundation reserves all rights to accept or reject all submitted funding requests.

We must verify that you have pulmonary hypertension. If you have another way to verify this, please add that information in the "Other Verification" section below.
If so, describe in detail the identity of the source, amount received and date of receipt of funds.
We will want to share your story and we ask you to share our relief efforts with those you know.